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Hey, if by any chance you do not know the full form and functions of FDA, then let us get clarified right now. FDA stands for Food and Drug Authority. It is the principal authority that ensures our health and safety. It scrutinizes the ingredients, quality and effectiveness of health products and analyzes whether the relevant product is suitable for your health and safety or not.
So, we can infer that once a product has been certified positively by the FDA, then it is of excellent quality and made up of the world’s best ingredients. Coming to the topic of testosterone boosters, wouldn’t it be amazing if the one you purchase has been made in FDA Approved Labs! The reason for purchase could vary from muscle mass, increase in gym performance, or an improvement in sexual life, or simply for looking younger and more vibrant. Low testosterone is a known devil. You can utilize 101 natural ways to boost testosterone, but a supplement made in FDA inspected labs would do an add-on job.
What are Natural Testosterone Boosters?
A natural testosterone booster comes with zero health risks. Of course, this is all because of the natural and best quality ingredients contained in it. The benefits are huge. You gain an increase in muscle mass, high libido, faster recovery, and higher energy levels. You can also get sound sleep and be comfortable and active all day around.
Whoa! Doesn’t it sound to you like a dream come true? Yes, taking an FDA-approved testosterone supplement seems like a nice dream to you but it ends up being just a dream. This is because the FDA has not approved all the testosterone boosters as safe and natural. Hence, you have to put on your thinking caps and do some research before buying any testosterone boosters. Yeah, it is time-consuming but we have done a considerable amount of work for you.
In this article, we have provided you with a short guide on how you can check whether a testosterone booster has been approved by the FDA or not. In the subsequent part, we have elaborated about the top 10 Natural testosterone boosters for you.
Things you should know about FDA-Approved Supplements
Before analyzing whether the product in front of you has been made in FDA inspected labs and proper guidelines or not, let us first understand certain important things about FDA-approved supplements, especially the testosterone booster described below.
- FDA does not perform a detailed check on dietary supplements
Yes, this is true. We are under the belief that all products are inspected by the FDA authorities and marked as FDA-approved. Hey, this is not the case. The truth is that the FDA inspects only prescription drugs because they can cause side effects on a certain person.
The next question that would have popped up in your mind is that – whether the below-given testosterone supplements are prescription drugs? No, please note that these supplements are not prescription drugs and they do not cause any side effects on your health. In order to know more about it, read the next point.
- cGMP guidelines and FDA-approved labs
As the below described testosterone-inducing supplements are not prescription drugs, they cannot be directly inspected by FDA. Hence, the makers of these supplements have developed them under and as per cGMP guidelines and in FDA-approved labs.
- What are FDA-approved labs? – Our answer to your next smart question
FDA-approved labs refer to the labs that have earned certification as per the FDA standard guidelines. So, the following supplements have been prepared in FDA-approved labs, and hence, they have undergone all the guidelines and protocols during manufacturing and other stages.
How to Figure Out FDA-approved Testosterone Supplements? – A Short & Complete Guide for You!
The best way to know an FDA-approved testosterone supplement is very simple.
- Check the label.
But easy that it sounds, it is not practically done by the FDA. FDA does not approve a particular supplement as a whole but approves a set of natural ingredients. So, when you check a supplement, the first thing you should do is to check its list of ingredients. You can know in detail about these ingredients from the official website of FDA or from the internet sources. So, your job is done.
So, you do your research, you check for ingredients and then, you make a wise, rational decision of buying that supplement. In order to make your work easier, we have provided you with sufficient and important information. Please go through it.
- The significance of scientific studies in relation to the testosterone boosters
It happens that you are satisfied and glad about the fact that the testosterone booster you had picked up contains all FDA-approved ingredients. But you are not aware whether the ingredients contained in it will work for you or not. You need some solid base to believe in that supplement performance. During this scenario, scientific studies come into surface.
Scientific studies describe us deeply whether the ingredient in that supplement will work for you or not. We can refer to the actual science, refer research links and references and understand it in more detail. You know which are the best ingredients and the suitable alternatives for the same.
Another important thing to check for in a supplement is the clinical dose of each ingredient. Most of the makers have done it for you. If you check the site of each supplement mentioned below, you can seek the list of ingredients, clinical doses of each ingredient, and scientific studies, if any.
So, apart from the FDA-approved part, these below supplements rule the world in terms of scientific studies.
- Safe and Natural T-boosting ingredients
After reading through various testosterone boosters, digging up the internet source, and going through the information displayed on the FDA website, we have researched the following safe ingredients that render benefits such as:
- Increase in the stimulation of sexual hormones.
- It has a huge quantity of essential minerals such as zinc and magnesium.
- Increase in muscle mass and overall well-being of a man.
The ingredients backed by scientific studies are as follows:
- Vitamin D
The rich source being natural sunlight, Vitamin D is an essential component in any natural testosterone supplement. It is derived mainly from natural sources such as direct sunlight. In short, it is produced when you are directly exposed to sunlight. According to reliable scientific studies, Vitamin D releases a luteinizing hormone in sufficient quantity. If you have low testosterone levels, it also means that you have low quantities of Vitamin D.
- D-Aspartic Acid
It influences male sex hormones directly. Men who received DAA supplementation did not experience any negative effects and also witnessed an increase in testosterone levels.
- Asian Red Panax Ginseng
A widely researched, ancient ingredient, it improves cognitive abilities, sexual well-being, immunity powers and most importantly, testosterone levels.
- Fenugreek
Proven in clinical studies, fenugreek can improve your sex life and regulated blood sugar and metabolic rate of the body. It also increases testosterone levels.
- Oyster Extract
Oyster extract is completely safe for your health, provided you do not suffer from any shellfish allergies.
Containing large quantities of zinc and magnesium, it boosts up energy levels and regulates and produces male sex hormones.
- Nettle Root Extract
Stinging nettle extract might sound like a ‘touch-me-not’ plant, but its extract is impressive in improving urine-related issues, and also problems pertaining to reproduction and penile organs.
Keeping in mind all these natural ingredients, you can now hunt for a testosterone booster on your own, of course, which is FDA-approved.
Brands Recommendations for FDA-Approved Natural Testosterone Boosting Ingredients
No.#1: TestoGen

- Why Testogen? If you’re looking for – Muscle-building, Sex Drive and Cognitive abilities
- Wolfson Berg Limited is a reputed brand in the world for its supply of top quality health supplements. TestoGen is a specialized formula of this company which helps men in regaining their masculine elements and muscle growth.
- The ingredients contained in TestoGen and Testo-Drops are magnesium, Vitamin D, Boron, Vitamin K1, Nettle Leaf Extract, Fenugreek Extract, Red Ginseng Extract, Vitamin B6, Zinc and Bioperine.
- It has been proved that ingredients such as boron and Vitamin D can increase testosterone levels in men. Nettle leaf extract helps in gaining muscle mass and in enhancing libido. So, each ingredient in TestoGen has been proven to increase testosterone and the overall lifestyle of a person.
- You can check out the scientific references on the website of TestoGen and you can also contact the customer support team. With these reference links, you gain trust in the quality of this supplement.
- The limited dosage required quick results, continuation with the existing diet and lifestyle, offers and discounts, discreet packaging, money-back guarantee, worldwide shipping are some of the valuable services of the company.
- Witness a complete, positive transformation with TestoGen supplements.
No.#2: Prime Male
- Why Prime Male? If you’re looking for – Improvement in sex drive
- Propura Limited is a leading brand that is involved in providing sufficient nutrition to men across the globe, through best quality supplements. The research team at Propura analyzed the effects of low testosterone in men – muscle weakness, weak sexual drive, low energy, and a low mind-set. PrimeMale supplements were created for them to overcome all these problems.
- The ingredients in PrimeMale supplements – Korean Red Ginseng, Mucuna Pruriens extract, magnesium citrate, nettle root extract, Vitamins such as Vitamin B6 and Vitamin D3, zinc, boron, and Bioperine.
- The secretion of the male hormone, testosterone is possible effectively with the help of this supplement. The ingredients have been studied by the experts, tested and proven in clinical labs. Ingredients such as Bioperine have been included to improve the bioavailability of this supplement.
- Add-ons provided by Propura are a money-back guarantee, product quality, produced in FDA-approved facilities, availability with a proper and complete label.
- PrimeMale is not a specific male enhancement supplement, but a supplement that combines various benefits such as muscle-development, libido-improvement, and anti-ageing, testosterone-inducing. So, it is a specialized supplement that renders you with more than 10 benefits in a single capsule.
- Shipping is free if you are making specific bulk purchases, and if you are located in the US or UK. This supplement is highly recommended for men above the age of 30 years to increase their T-levels.
- So, awaken the alpha man inside you with Prime Male testosterone boosting supplements.
No.#3: TestoFuel
- Why TestoFuel? If you’re looking for – Muscle Building and Testosterone inducing Ingredients
- ‘Roar Ambition Limited” is the manufacturer of the unique formulation for men, TestoFuel. This supplement helps in eliminating the symptoms associated with low testosterone levels.
- TestoFuel is comprised of ingredients such as D-Aspartic Acid, Vitamin D, Oyster extract, ginseng, fenugreek, magnesium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K2, and zinc.
- Each ingredient serves a unique role in the supplement and provides you with distinct health benefits. For example, DAA is an amino acid which increases T-levels significantly. The oyster extract contains zinc and also acts as a multi-vitamin supplement for you.
- Thus, TestoFuel provides benefits such as an increase in strength and stamina, hike in metabolism, improvement of mood, and increase in HGH levels. Endorsed by celebrities and prepared in FDA-approved labs, this supplement is suitable for anyone above the age of 18, men of course. A decline in testosterone can be well-treated with TestoFuel.
- With quick results, a money-back guarantee, and ease in order placements, TestoFuel is convenient and the best supplement.
- Skyrocket your t-levels instantly with TestoFuel –a natural and proven supplement.
No.#4: TestoTEK
- Why Testotek? If you’re looking for – A Natural Testosterone Booster
- A leading supplement company, ‘TEK Naturals‘ is known for its excellent work in the field of nutrition supplements. One of its marvellous creations if TestoTEK, a natural testosterone booster.
- It is a unique combination of essential vitamins and natural herb extracts. The role of each ingredient in this supplement is remarkable. For example, the B Complex Vitamins regulate the functioning of bodily systems, increases energy levels and refreshes your mind-set.
- The ingredients present in TestoTEK are B Complex Vitamins such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B5, Vitamin K, Vitamin D3, Zinc, DAA, Mucuna Pruriens extract, stinging nettle root extract, oyster body extract, fenugreek seed powder, and Eleuthero Root Powder.
- It does not matter what your age is, you need to be above 18 years of age to consume this supplement. Ranked by a leading online portal as the Numero Uno supplement, you just cannot miss to take it for your own good.
- You can even grab a money-saving deal. If you do not wish to jump over bulk packages, then go for a trial pack, no problem at all as your purchase will be covered with a money-back guarantee.
No.#5: Crazybulk TestoMax
- Why Crazybulk Testo Max? If you’re looking for – Sustanon 250 Injections Alternative, Muscle growth and Fat Burn
- ‘Crazy Bulk‘ – well-known name amongst the bodybuilders and fitness professionals across the world. The team at Crazy Bulk conducted a deep research of the working of anabolic steroids and came up with legal and safe alternatives. These replacements worked like an anabolic steroid, but are completely safe for consumption.
- TestoMax can deliver you with intense muscle gains or more energy levels. But the best thing to be noted about this supplement is that it provides you with the results as it has promised. No fake promises at all. No artificial testosterone or steroidal substances are used in preparing this supplement. Only natural ingredients are contained in it.
- The ingredients in TestoMax are Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc, red ginseng powder, nettle root extract, fenugreek extract, boron, Bioperine, D-Aspartic Acid.
- You can even combine a few of the recommended supplements of Crazy Bulk and create wonderful stacks out of it. For example, a bulking stack during the bulking stage, a cutting stack for earning those amazing cuts and so on. It will be a cost-effective and time-saving initiative on your part.
- Avail the customer support facility in case of any doubts. We are sure that you won’t have any doubts regarding Crazy Bulk products as they are genuinely crazy and useful.
No.#6: TestRX
- Why TestRX? If you’re looking for – Muscle Building with few ingredients
- If you have never tried any supplement of Leading Edge Health, then here is the valid reason to try today. ‘Leading Edge Health‘ has been producing and supplying premium quality supplements to the people. The supplements have gained immense appreciation and liking.
- The research experts at Leading Edge Health have studies how cortisol hormone is an obstacle in muscle growth, and that only testosterone has the capacity to fight against it and regulate its secretion. As a result, they created a supplement known as TestRX which fights against cortisol and facilitates protein synthesis process. As it contains amino acids, it becomes building blocks for protein formation and leads to tremendous muscle growth.
- A hike in T-levels leads to an increase in muscle size and strength, faster recovery after blasting workout sessions, red blood cell formation and muscle-oxygenation process. All these functions are made possible by TestRX capsules. The primary ingredient in TestRX is ZMA, which has been proven to boost aerobic performance and the immunity system in athletes in a 7-weeks study.
- Other ingredients in TestRX are Fenugreek seed extract, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B5, magnesium, zinc and D-Aspartic Acid.
- You can check for the images of the persons who have experienced massive change in themselves due to these supplements.
- Grab your T-booster today!
No.#7: DAA Test-5
- Why DAA Test-5? If you’re looking for – Significance of D-Aspartic Acid
- This supplement contains sufficient quantities of D-Aspartic Acid so that you earn the best out of it. As a result, when you consume this supplement every day, you gain more muscle mass, strength and stamina.
- The ingredients mixed in this supplement synergistically are DAA DAA Test Complex, DIM, fenugreek. Chrysin and Eurycoma Longifolia. An amino acid, DAA boosts your athletic performance, stamina and builds an amazing physique.
- As it is a muscle-booster and contains loads of DAA and lesser of other ingredients, it is chosen by athletes, fitness professionals and bodybuilders.
- If you are searching for a specific T-booster, then this could be the right one.
No.#8: High T Black
- Why HighT Black? If you’re looking for – De-caffeinated T-booster
- For all those who would like to gain testosterone while skipping caffeine, High T Black is exclusively for them.
- The manufacturer of this supplement, GNC has a wide array of supplements for various health issues ranging from weight loss to low testosterone levels in men.
- High T Black works by levelling up the proportion of nitric oxide in the body. As nitric oxide has a direct associated with strength, stamina, vitality, libido, then there is sufficient oxygenation of muscles and tissues in the body. Due to this significant process, your gain energy in the weight room as well as in the bedroom, and your muscles are developed and your performance is boosted naturally.
- As many of us are sensitive to the caffeine contained in the supplements, GNC made an extra effort to formulate High T Black decaffeinated and alleviate sleep problems.
- Ingredients in High T Black are Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Zinc, and Raspberry Ketones.
No.#9: Nugenix Testosterone Booster
- Why Nugenix Free Testosterone Booster? If you’re looking for – Patented Ingredients
- With Nugenix Testosterone Booster, you can increase the free testosterone levels by overcoming all the obstacles blocking the way.
- TestoFen and Fenuside are the patented ingredients included in this supplement. Yes, even if you dig up the entire internet, you will not find these ingredients in any other testosterone booster. Other ingredients added are Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc, Tribulus and L-Citrulline Malate.
- A reasonably priced supplement, Nugenix is highly effective in building cool and stronger muscles, and in strengthening sexual organs. It also improves your performance in the bedroom and makes you a winner.
- Formulated only for men, it is free from any negative effects and harmful ingredients.
No.#10: Six Star Testosterone Booster
- Why Six Star Testosterone Booster? If you’re looking for – Three-way approach of increasing testosterone
- An advanced formula, Six Star Testosterone Booster increases testosterone naturally, by simply mimicking the effects of anabolic steroids.
- The three ways utilized by this supplement are :
- Increase in free testosterone levels.
- Maintenance of a balanced ratio of testosterone and cortisol hormone.
- Improvement in overall performance.
- The key ingredient of Six Star Testosterone Booster is boron, and one can easily combine its usage with other protein-based supplements.
- Yeah, it is the most reasonably priced supplement and the manufacturer has not compromised with the quality. This is evident from the reviews of the bodybuilders around the world with respect to this supplement.
- If you are an athlete or a bodybuilder, then Six Star Testosterone Booster could be a perfect choice for you.
Quick Recap
Supplement Name | Brand Name | Price |
#1 TestoGen | Wolfson Berg Limited | $59.99 |
#2 PrimeMale | Propura Limited | $69.00 |
#3 TestoFuel | Roar Ambition Ltd | $65.00 |
#4 TestoTEK | TEK Naturals | $69.99 |
#5 TestoMax | Crazy Bulk | $59.99 |
#6 TestRX | Leading Edge Health | $69.95 |
#7 DAA Test-5 | GNC | $159.99 for 156 Capsules |
#8 Nugenix Testosterone Booster | GNC | $55.99 for 90 Capsules |
#9 High T Black | GNC | $58.99 |
#10 Six Star Testosterone Booster | Six Star Pro | Not Available |
FDA-approval is definitely an add-on for your T-supplement, you can also figure it out with the help of this short guide. We have recommended the best ones which have been working for thousands of men around the world. You can do more research on your part, for added info and reference. But we secretly know that you will end up finding these supplements as the best available lot in the market.
*Note: Checking of ingredients along with FDA information is an important step while picking a T-inducing supplement.
Also Read: Vitamins & Minerals You Need to Boost Your Testosterone Levels

Steve Paul is a professional fitness consultant and an independent owner of his review site, Bodybuilding and fitness being one of the latest trends and passion today is widely appreciated and desired by men of all ages all around the planet. But everything we desire in life has its own drawbacks. In case, of bodybuilding and fitness, the power, energy, strength, muscle mass, endurance and performance power seem to gets affected with age among men of increasing ages. Thereby thwarting the progress and leading to constant frustrations and low self-confidence.
Hence, with the expertise of his qualifications, Steve has successfully developed a web platform with the aim to help men achieve the desirable physique at any given age and time.
The in-depth research and techniques presented by his webpages, such as testosterone boosting exercise plans, diets, foods and effective ‘T’ boosting products, has positively served millions of men all across the world to attain the herculean frame they have longed for, in the most efficient and safest natural strategies available.
Consequently, his creation has been praised, acknowledged and recruited globally by men and results have been strongly appreciated.